
Applying for home care

How to apply for aged care support at home


Begin with Home Care funding

Individuals aged 65 and over, or those aged 50 and above with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, may qualify for a home care package.

Due to recent government changes, the process of applying for Home Care has been simplified, regardless of the specific type of aged care support required. You will still need to start by registering with My Aged Care and applying for an assessment. However, with the introduction of the new Single Assessment System, those seeking home care can now anticipate receiving responses more quickly.

More details

The step-by-step process for your home care application

Getting started

Your home care journey starts with getting an assessment

You'll need to begin by contacting My Aged Care to register and apply for an assessment for aged care support at home. Simply call them on 1800 200 422 or visit the MAC website to apply online. Be aware you'll need your Medicare card and personal ID such as a passport, drivers license, DVA card, Healthcare card. 


Getting assessed

Your assessment determines what funding you receive

The assessor will ask lots of questions about your life and living arrangements, as well as your goals and what type of help you need to live more comfortably at home, so be sure to be honest, and get the care you need. 

After the assessment, you’ll receive a letter confirming your level of care you’re approved for and what steps to take next.

The assessor considers four key categories to determine the help and funding you may need, including:

  • Falls risk – resulting from muscle weakness, declining sight, stiffness, and more
  • Daily living challenges – such as housework, bill paying, getting dressed & shopping
  • Cognitive issues – like forgetfulness, anxiety, losing sense of direction and so on
  • Carer burn out – showing signs of exhaustion and overwhelm

The waitlist

You're on the waitlist until funding is assigned

When approved for funding, you'll be placed on the national waitlist until your funding is released – known as having your 'funding assigned'. 

At this stage you may receive some interim funding to help out while you wait, which can stretch for 6-12 months.  

About a month before your funding is available, you’ll receive a ‘Readiness Letter’ from My Aged Care, which includes important paperwork for you to review. 


Lastly, a letter will arrive with a red code included – meaning, your funding is now finally available.

Choosing a provider

Finally it's time to find the help you need

Once your funding is assigned, you have 56 days to find the home care provider that's right for you, and get signed up to get your services started.

Knowing exactly where to start can be confusing, so to make it easier, why not download our factsheet on How to Compare Home Care Providers. It provides useful tips on understanding fees and how to ensure you get the team and services you need to keep you well and happy at home.

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Top 20 home care FAQS answered

Understanding home care can be challenging. Download this factsheet to get answers to the most common questions.


How to compare home care services

Get this helpful fact sheet on How to Compare Home Care Providers, to help you find the service that is right for you.

Free help and advice

Book a no-obligation consultation with a home care expert to discuss your individual situation, and get help that’s right for you.

Call us:
1300 365 248

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